New Delhi:
The earthquake was felt in Delhi NCR on Monday morning. The tremors of the earthquake were so fast that the people sleeping in deep sleep got up fear and came out of the houses to save their lives. In many parts of North India, including Delhi NCR, there were strong earthquakes in the morning. Not only this, the center of earthquake is also being told near Dhaulakuan in Delhi. Such natural disasters always remind us of the prophecies of Nastamas and Venga, whose many predictions have been proved to be true many times before.
In 2025 turmoil
Nostradamus has often talked about natural disasters in his poems. Fraginations such as the moving of the earth and the boom in the rivers are understood as a warning of environmental upheaval. In terms of 2025, it appears as a growing effect of climate change. Not only this, scientists have also warned many times about increasing sea level, rapid melting of snow and rapid change in weather. Nostradas have written in their books of things like fire in the forests, drought or destructive floods. In such a situation, earthquake or sudden rains or excessive heat increases, indicate similar natural disasters.
Baba Venga’s prediction
Baba Venga had made some predictions about the year 2025, which is discussed these days. According to Baba Venga’s predictions, a disastrous war will begin in Europe, resulting in most of the population of the continent to be destroyed. If Baba Venga’s prediction is true, Russia will rule the whole world in 2025. Such possibilities are considered unstable amidst the ongoing conflict between Russia-Ukraine. He has also predicted several devastating natural disasters in 2025, according to which an earthquake will occur on the west coast of the US and many passive volcanoes are also likely to explode.
Who is Nostradamus
Michael de Nostredem, is also known as Nostradamus. He is a 16th -century French astrology and his mysterious predictions have been coming true for centuries. In 1555, he wrote a book called Less Profiets and it has written about many types of predictions. Many people believe that these verses have predicted major global events including Napoleon’s rise, world wars and even progress in modern technology.
Who is Baba Venga
On the other hand, many predictions of Bulgarian woman Baba Venga, unable to see with eyes, have proved to be correct so far. Many predictions such as 9/11 attack, Princess Diana’s death and Chernobyl nuclear disaster have become the truth.
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