A shocking news is coming out from Georgia. According to reports, on his last day on the job, the state judge was found dead in the courtroom. State Court Judge Stephen Yeakel was found dead in the courtroom, officials said Tuesday. Judge Stephen Yeakel, 74, was found dead by his staff on Tuesday. Found inside the Effingham County State Courthouse around 10 a.m. Investigation has revealed that Yekel had tried to resign from his post by writing a letter to the Governor. In the letter Yekel said he would resign effective December 30.
Effingham County Sheriff’s officials said 74-year-old State Judge Stephen Yeakel died by suicide. The most surprising thing is that the day he died was the last day of his job.
What is the whole matter?
Yekel was appointed as a state judge by the bench two years ago. He was retiring on 31 December 2024, but in the meantime he surprised everyone by committing suicide. Judge Yeakel, who was found dead, was appointed to the state court in 2022. According to information received, he recently tried to resign from his post, but Georgia Governor Brian Kemp refused.
What did the police say?
Effingham County Sheriff’s Officer Jimmy McDuffie told reporters that suddenly everything was going well in life, then some unpleasant incidents happen, due to which the whole matter becomes quiet.
The officer said that after seeing the dead body, it seems as if the death had occurred on Monday night itself. The officer said that the matter is currently under investigation. The whole thing will be known only after the post mortem report comes. At present, all the details have been sent to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.